what stands in the way becomes the way

An ancient pearl of wisdom that is still relevant today: what stands in the way can become the way.


You probably have something challenging going on in your life right now.
You might be seeing it as a just negative event, generating only suffering, pain, and anxiety.
Your mind could be racing with thoughts like "why did this have to happen to me" or "why do I keep falling into the same traps?".

You are probably right, kind of.
Stuff happens, loss and pain happen - but it doesn't have to be just negative and hurtful.
There is another way. It's not simple, it's not easy.
You have to train it, practice it, hone it.

Fortunately, people throughout history already paved the way, and showed us that it can be done.
As did Marcus Aurelius - a legendary Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher who's work is still read and studied today (and it's basically just a personal diary that he didn't intend to publish!).

Marcus Aurelius - Philosopher-king, Roman Emperor, Stoic.

Marcus Aurelius

"The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting.
The impediment to action advances action.
What stands in the way becomes the way."

~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book 5.20.


As a student of philosophy, especially Stoicism (more about the Stoics in a different post), Marcus Aurelius wrote about how changing our perception of life’s hardships can turn them from anxiety-inducing to progress-driving. How “what stands in the way, becomes the way”.

Failing can teach you to be better next time and improve chances of success.
Losing someone can teach you to cherish the people in your life.
Slow progress can teach you patience and perseverance.

This is not another "push through and it will pass" kind of approach.
It’s not about enduring the hardship.
It’s about actively shifting your perspective, to see circumstances as opportunities.


Here are a few things you can do to apply it in your life:

  1. When suffering or afraid, reflect on how this situation can make you grow and improve.

  2. Do things that your are afraid of

  3. Add small daily hardships

If you are interested in reading more about the Stoics, checkout the book and blog http://theobstacleistheway.com/ by Ryan Holiday.


I Am Not My Next Thought